TDA Labs - Large Animal Diagnostics
DHIA (Dairy Herd Improvement Association) Testing
TDA Labs is now certified to run DHIA (Dairy Herd Improvement Association) samples for herds on our state-of-the-art equipment.
Our lab can analyze cow, goat, and sheep’s milk. We can run individual, tank, or pen samples.
We can determine all of the following quantities in the milk samples: SCC (Somatic Cell Count), Butterfat, Protein, Total Solids, MUN (Milk Urea Nitrogen), and Lactose.
We can also run pregnancy tests on the preserved milk.
There is no need to send boxes through mail. TDA Labs will pick up and deliver.
Stop in and see the lab!
We can provide you with the lab file or send it to your processing center.
View the DHIA Lab process:

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